HBRG logo.

Established 1986

This is an abridged version of the HBRG website optimised for small screens.  You should get here automatically if you are using a mobile device.  To see the full website content, access it with a larger device or open the desktop site.  This will show the full site, though some pages may be difficult to read on a small screen.

About HBRG       ˅ ˄  

Contact HBRG       ˅ ˄  

HBRG Calendar       ˅ ˄  

HBRG Field trips and Meetings
HBRG members are welcome to join field trips organized by a number of groups in the Highlands.  Please contact the organization/leader shown one or two days before a trip to confirm details.  Boots, waterproofs, midge net/repellent and packed lunch may be required. 

Open the HBRG Calendar.

Wasp Atlas 2018-2025       ˅ ˄  

Links and downloads       ˅ ˄  

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